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Attention! Please read this user agreement before using the site gocs.pro and its software.

Registration (Authorization) on the site will mean your acceptance of the terms of this user agreement.

If you do not agree with the terms of this user agreement, do not register (log in) on the site gocs.proand do not use its software.


Edition of 05.07.2022

gocs.pro on the one hand, and the person accepting the offer posted on the Internet at a permanent address https://gocs.pro/agreement, on the other hand, have entered into this user agreement as following.

  1. Terms and Definitions
    1. In this user agreement, unless the text directly implies otherwise, the following terms will have the following meanings:
      «Steam», «Service Steam»
      Online service offered by Valve Corporation, the copyright holder of Inventory.
      Betalux Trade LTD
      The ability to use one of the objects indicated in the Case in accordance with the agreement of the Steam service subscriber, posted on the Internet at: http://store.steampowered.com/subscriber_agreement/russian/.
      The set of protected pages of the Site created as a result of the registration of the User, using which the User has the opportunity to use all or some of the functionality of the Site.
      Access to My Account it is performed in the following order:
      Clicking the “Sign in with Steam | VK | FB ”on the site, after which the user will be automatically redirected to one of the selected sites on the Internet at: https://steamcommunity.com/, https://vk.com or https://www.facebook.com/.
      Authorization in the window that opens through an existing account or by creating a new account.
      It is forbidden to create additional accounts, to withdraw bonuses from "Promo case". The number of accounts must not exceed one account. If more accounts are detection, the administration has the right to block these accounts;
      An individual who has entered into an agreement with the Owner.
      Composite works, which are a combination of information, texts, graphic elements, design, images, photos and video materials, computer programs, other results of intellectual activity, with the exception of Inventory, contained in an information system that ensures the availability of such information on the Internet within the domain zonegocs.pro.
      This user agreement.
      Owner and User.
    2. All other terms and definitions that appear in the text of the agreement are interpreted by the Parties in accordance with the usual rules of interpretation of the relevant terms established on the internet..
    3. The names of the headings (articles) of the Agreement are intended solely for the convenience of using the text of the Agreement and have no literal legal value.
  2. Conclusion of an agreement
    1. The text of the Agreement, permanently posted on the Internet at the network address https: // gocs.pro agreement and available upon registration (authorization) on the Site, contains all the essential conditions of the Agreement and is the Offer of the Owner to conclude the Agreement with any by a third party using the Site, on the conditions specified in the text of the Agreement.
    2. The proper acceptance of this offer is considered to be the consistent implementation by a third party of the following actions:
      1. Familiarization with the terms of the Agreement;
      2. Authorization on the Site by clicking the "Login via Steam | VK | FB ”and authorization in the window that opens through an existing account or by creating a new account.
  3. Subject of the Agreement
    1. The owner provides the user:
      1. gratuitous simple (non-exclusive) license to use the Site and its software for their intended purpose, as provided for by the explicit user functions of the Site and My Account;
      2. reimbursable simple (nonexclusive) license to use the Case for its intended purpose, while the cost of the license to use a particular Case is indicated on the Site.
    2. Specified in paragraph 3.1.1 Of the agreement, a license is granted to the User for a period during which, and within the territory on which the site and personal account remain accessible to the User.
    3. Specified in paragraph 3.1.2 Of the agreement, a license is granted to the User within the territory on which the Case remains available to the User for the period from the moment the User pays a fee for using a particular Case until the Inventory is determined using such a case.
    4. The user is prohibited:
      1. Circumvent technical restrictions set on the site and in the case;
      2. To study the technology, decompile or disassemble the website, case and personal account;
      3. Create copies of the Site, cases and my account, as well as their external design (design);
      4. Change the website, Cases and my account in any way;
      5. Perform actions aimed at changing the functioning and operability of the site, Cases and personal account;
      6. Provide access to the Personal Account to a third party;
      7. Realize out the above actions in relation to any part of the Site, Cases and My Account;
      8. Send items from more than one account
      9. Conduct business and enrich yourself with bonuses and free items received from a promotional case;
    5. Accounts with a balance, including those obtained by bonuses from the site, are the property of the site and is subject to any verification by the administration;
    6. Accounts with suspicious activity or attempts to circumvent the system of bonuses and free giveaways from the site can be blocked without trial.
  4. Functions of the site, case and personal account
    1. The user through the site has the opportunity:
      1. To get acquainted with the content and characteristics of the inventory, the choice of which occurs through a specific case, and the cost of a license to use such a case;
      2. Acquire a license to use the case and receive the appropriate inventory in the manner specified in the agreement.
    2. The user through the case has the opportunity to get one of the inventory provided on the page containing the case. Inventory for receipt by the User is determined automatically by using a case.
    3. The user through the personal account has the opportunity:
      1. Accept Inventory on Steam account;
      2. To carry out, by taking action or inaction, within 1 (one) hour from the moment of receipt of the inventory by using the case, to alienate the inventory for bonus points, in the amount indicated in the description of the inventory in your account, giving the right to receive a discount when paying a license fee for cases.
      3. Exchange items on the site in the exchanger and get another item in the inventory.
      4. Use an exclusive offer that will give the user more products in exchange for their previous one.
  5. Inventory Acceptance
    1. From the moment of receiving the inventory through the use of the Case and displaying it in the personal account, the User has the opportunity to accept the inventory in the Steam account for 1 (one) hour, or transfer the inventory through the personal account.
    2. Inventory acceptance to a Steam account is subject to the user's completion of the Steam account and personal account settings specified on the Site and in the personal account.
    3. For Inventory acceptance to a Steam account, subject to the requirements of clause 5.2 of the Agreement, the user, within 1 (one) hour from the receipt of the inventory, clicks on the "TAKE UP" link located in your account directly in the description of such inventory.
    4. The user has the opportunity to receive the transfer of the equipment received but not yet accepted into the Steam account for the number of bonus points specified in the description of the inventory in the personal account that entitle him to a discount when paying a license fee for Cases, while one bonus point entitles you to a discount of one ruble exclusively for the indicated purposes (payment of a license fee). The parties agreed that the specified bonus points are not cash and are not refundable and / or exchange.
    5. To receive inventory, the user, within 1 (one) hour from the moment of receipt of the inventory, clicks on the appropriate link located in your account directly with a description of such inventory. inactivity of the user after 1 (one) hour from the moment of receipt of the inventory means the alienation of the inventory received but not yet accepted into the Steam account.
    6. Upon receipt of the inventory, bonus points received by the user are displayed in your account.
  6. Owner reward
    1. For the right to use the case provided by the owner, the user pays a license fee in the amount indicated on the website and the corresponding page of the case.
    2. Specified in paragraph 6.1The agreement remuneration is paid by the User from funds previously transferred to the Owner through a payment service, information about which is available to the User at the time of payment. The amount of money transferred in advance is displayed in your account.
    3. The transfer of funds to the Owner on account of the payment of the license fee specified in clause 6.1 of the Agreement is carried out by the User in the manner and according to the rules indicated on the corresponding page of the Site, taking into account the features and requirements established by the relevant payment service involved by the Owner for settlements.
    4. The moment of payment of the license fee specified in clause 6.1 of the Agreement is the time of writing off the corresponding amount of funds transferred in advance to the owner, about which the user is informed of the corresponding change in the balance in the personal account.
    5. Payment of the license fee specified in clause 6.1 of the agreement in accordance with the procedure provided for by this section is subject to clause 5.6 of the agreement.
  7. Personal data
    1. The user gives his consent to the owner to process information, including the user's personal data provided when using the site, namely the data specified in the user’s account on Steam.
    2. Processing personal data means recording, systematizing, accumulating, storing, clarifying (updating, changing), extracting, using, transmitting (distributing, providing, accessing), including cross-border, depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.
    3. The processing of personal data is carried out in order to fulfill the obligations of the parties by agreement, register the user on the site, purchase a license to use the case, receive inventory, send information and other messages to the User’s email address.
    4. The User may revoke consent to the processing of personal data at any time by sending the Owner a written notice to the address specified in clause 1.1 of the Agreement by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. At the same time, the User understands that such withdrawal means the termination of the Agreement. The Owner has the right to continue processing the User’s personal data in cases provided by law.
    5. Additional or other provisions regarding the processing of personal data may be contained in the relevant document posted or posted on the Site. In the event that the provisions of such a document conflict with the provisions of this section, the provisions of the document shall apply.
    6. The User agrees to receive advertising materials from the Owner, his affiliates or from other persons on behalf of the Owner to the email address specified by the User when registering in the Steam account. Consent to receive advertising materials can be revoked by the User at any time by sending the Owner a written notice to the address specified in clause 9.3.1 of the Agreement, or by performing the actions specified in messages (emails) containing such materials.
  8. Limitation of liability
    1. The Owner is not responsible for the User’s losses resulting from unlawful actions of third parties, including those related to unauthorized access to the Personal Account. The Owner is not responsible for losses incurred by the User as a result of the disclosure to third parties of the credentials necessary to access the Personal Account, which occurred through no fault of the Owner.
    2. The owner is not the copyright holder of the Inventory objects, does not determine the order of use and functioning of the Inventory. In relation to the Inventory, the User is guided by the Steam license agreement, available at the time of drafting the Agreement at https://store.steampowered.com/subscriber_agreement/english/
    3. The Owner does not provide software for the use of the Inventory for its intended purpose on the User’s device. The User purchases and / or installs such software tools on his device.
    4. The Owner does not provide software for the use of the Inventory for its intended purpose on the User’s device. The User purchases and / or installs such software tools on his device.
    5. The Owner does not guarantee that the Site, Cases and Personal Account comply with the requirements of the User, that access to the Site, Cases and Personal Account will be provided continuously, quickly, reliably and without errors.
    6. Hardware and software errors, both on the side of the Owner and on the side of the User, which led to the inability of the User to gain access to the Site and / or Case, and / or My Account, are force majeure circumstances, and the basis for exemption from liability for failure to fulfill the Owner’s obligations under Agreement.
    7. The owner has the right to assign rights and transfer debts for all obligations arising from the Agreement. The User hereby gives his consent to the assignment of rights and transfer of debt to any third parties. The Owner informs the User about the held assignment of rights and / or transfer of debt by posting relevant information on the Site.
    8. The amount of losses that may be compensated by the Owner to the User is in any case limited.
    9. Unless otherwise provided by the Agreement in case the User violates the terms of the Agreement, the Owner has the right to unilaterally refuse to execute the Agreement and terminate the User’s access to the Personal Account. If such a violation caused damage to third parties, the responsibility for them lies entirely with the Users.
  9. Settlement of disputes
    1. The parties will seek to resolve all disputes, disagreements and claims that may arise in connection with the execution, termination or invalidation of the Agreement through negotiations. The Party which has claims and / or disagreements sends a message to the other Party indicating the claims and / or disagreements in accordance with clause 9.1 of the Agreement.
    2. If the response to the message is not received by the sending Party within 30 (thirty) business days from the date of sending the corresponding message, or if the Parties do not come to an agreement on the claims and / or disagreements that have arisen, the dispute shall be resolved in court at the location The owner.
  10. Final provisions
    1. The Parties hereby confirm that upon execution (amendment, amendment, termination) of the Agreement, as well as during correspondence on these issues, the use of analogues of the handwritten signature of the Parties is allowed. The Parties confirm that all notifications, messages, agreements and documents as part of the fulfillment by the Parties of the obligations arising from the Agreement, signed by the analogues of the parties' handwritten signatures, are legal and binding on the Parties. By analogs of a handwritten signature are understood authorized email addresses and credentials to the Personal Account..
    2. The Parties acknowledge that all notifications, messages, agreements, documents and letters sent using authorized e-mail addresses and the Personal Account are considered to be sent and signed by the Parties, unless otherwise expressly indicated in such letters..
    3. The authorized email addresses of the Parties are::
      1. For Owner: [email protected]
      2. for the User: the email address provided when registering the account.
    4. The parties undertake to ensure the confidentiality of information and information necessary for access to authorized e-mail addresses and My Account, to prevent the disclosure of such information and transfer to third parties. The parties shall independently determine the procedure for restricting access to such information.
    5. When using authorized e-mail addresses, until the information about violation of the confidentiality regime is received from the second Party, all actions and documents committed and sent using the authorized e-mail address of the second Party, even if such actions and documents were committed and sent by other persons, are considered committed and directed by such a second Party. In this case, the rights and obligations, as well as liability, arise for such a second Party.
    6. When using the Personal Account, until the user receives information about a violation of the confidentiality regime, all actions and documents committed and sent using the Personal Account, even if such actions and documents were committed and sent by other persons, are considered committed and sent by the User. In this case, the rights and obligations, as well as liability, arise with the User.
  11. Modification of the terms of the Agreement
    1. The owner has the right to unilaterally change the terms of the Agreement, and such changes take effect at the time of publication of the new version of the Agreement on the Internet at https://k4g.org/agreement
    2. Continued use of the functions of the Site will mean the User agrees to the terms of the new version of the Agreement. If the User does not agree with the terms of the new version of the Agreement, he stops using the Site.
    3. In all other respects, which is not regulated by the Agreement, the Parties are guided by the current legislation of the without taking into account its conflict of laws norms.


  1. For customer service inquiries or disputes, please submit a ticket on gocs.pro
  2. Questions related to payments made through the payment processor payment should be addressed to [email protected]
  3. When possible, gocs.pro will use commercially reasonable efforts to work with you and/or any user selling on the Site to resolve any disputes arising from your purchase.
  4. gocs.pro Refund Policy relating to the gocs.pro may modify these processes and related functionality from time to time at its sole discretion without notice.
  5. You understand and agree that any refunds on a number of factors, including the applicable policies of gocs.pro by third party payment processors.
  6. Please read gocs.pro Refund Policy carefully.
  7. gocs.pro customer funds may be returned in accordance with the following restrictions and rules:
    1. We do not allow partial refunds
    2. Some payment methods are are nonrefundable
    3. To request a refund, you must submit a [email protected]
    4. Refunds depend on the policies of the third-party payment agent, as well as on our own policies. Politics changes from time to time. For more information about a specific refund policy for payment processors, you need to contact this payment processor.
    5. We can only refund the purchased amount back to the original source of the initial payment.
  8. Payments via ZEN will be not accepted in Belgium, China, Japan, The Netherlands and the Isle of Man, Taiwan, Thailand, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark to the page where the customer will be topping up the balance


  1. By using the site, you agree that the service processes your personal data in order to provide access to and use of the site. Your personal data will only be used to allow you to use the site and to carry out verification procedures in relation to activities on the site. The only information the site collects is the data you provide.
  2. Your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties, unless such disclosure is necessary to process your requests, carry out verification procedures, or if required by law.
  3. The service collects a small part of the information sent from the browser (cookies), which can be disabled. However, disabling cookies may limit the use of the site. By accepting the Terms, you consent to the service informing you from time to time about changes to the Site, new services and promotions.
  4. You can request termination of processing and deletion of your personal data by the service by contacting [email protected]
I have read and accept

Open the CS GO cases on the site gocs.pro

Our site for opening cases is a store of items from the CS GO game. We guarantee that you can get rare and very rare weapon skins from the CS: GO game (secret, secret, knives). At the same time, we declare that we are not a lottery and (we consider such statements to be false, fraudulent, and aimed at deceiving players in order to enrich themselves). Our service provides an opportunity to get a rare item to your steam account by opening CS GO cases. We issue items automatically, without delay. Paid = received. The problem with getting it can only be due to blocking the trade link, vac ban, and hidden inventory. But your skins will be waiting for you on our bots for a while. If the link block does not pass, you can log in to our site and pick up your belongings, replacing the non-working link to exchange for a working one. if this is not possible, the funds will be credited to your balance on the site after a specified period of time. Successful discoveries, friends!