Attention! Time to receive the item is 24 hours. After that, auto-sale will be triggered.
Attention! Time to receive the item is 24 hours. After that, auto-sale will be triggered.
Items in the case
Tec-9 Red Quartz
Dual Berettas Cobalt Quartz
AWP Pit Viper
XM1014 Zombie Offensive
XM1014 Zombie Offensive
Negev dev_texture
PP-Bizon Space Cat
MAC-10 Button Masher
G3SG1 Dream Glade
MP5-SD Gauss
AWP Phobos
Five-SeveN Retrobution
MAC-10 Last Dive
UMP-45 Scaffold
Desert Eagle Sunset Storm 弐
R8 Revolver Amber Fade
P250 Franklin
R8 Revolver Skull Crusher
Tec-9 Remote Control
Dual Berettas Twin Turbo
AUG Stymphalian
MP7 Abyssal Apparition
FAMAS Rapid Eye Movement
Dual Berettas Melondrama
M4A4 Tooth Fairy
Glock-18 Vogue
Desert Eagle Conspiracy
P90 Shapewood
AK-47 Phantom Disruptor
M4A1-S Leaded Glass
SCAR-20 Cardiac
P250 Cartel
M4A1-S Guardian
AK-47 Point Disarray
USP-S Whiteout
MP7 Bloodsport
AUG Chameleon
Glock-18 Wasteland Rebel
M4A4 Desert-Strike
AK-47 Head Shot
FAMAS Roll Cage
MP9 Starlight Protector
M4A4 X-Ray
SSG 08 Dragonfire
AK-47 Nightwish
M4A4 Royal Paladin
AWP Hyper Beast
M4A1-S Mecha Industries
AK-47 The Empress
AK-47 Fuel Injector
M4A1-S Printstream
AUG Akihabara Accept
★ Navaja Knife Forest DDPAT
★ Navaja Knife Ultraviolet
★ Navaja Knife Stained
★ Falchion Knife Tiger Tooth
★ Bowie Knife Stained