Reindeer team

Attention! Time to receive the item is 24 hours. After that, auto-sale will be triggered.
Attention! Time to receive the item is 24 hours. After that, auto-sale will be triggered.
Items in the case
Sawed-Off Analog Input
UMP-45 Arctic Wolf
MAC-10 Button Masher
Negev Lionfish
Tec-9 Bamboozle
SG 553 Triarch
AWP Phobos
Sawed-Off Limelight
MP7 Just Smile
Tec-9 Remote Control
Galil AR Chromatic Aberration
XM1014 Incinegator
UMP-45 Primal Saber
AUG Fleet Flock
P90 Shapewood
MP9 Airlock
AUG Momentum
AK-47 Cartel
M4A1-S Nightmare
AWP Electric Hive
USP-S Orion
P250 See Ya Later
MP7 Bloodsport
FAMAS Roll Cage
Desert Eagle Printstream
USP-S Neo-Noir
SSG 08 Blood in the Water
AK-47 Fuel Injector
Desert Eagle Golden Koi
M4A1-S Hyper Beast
★ Navaja Knife Safari Mesh
★ Flip Knife Autotronic
★ Bowie Knife Marble Fade